Your Last
Business Card

Say goodbye to running out of business cards and spending money on reprints. Update information in real-time.

Tap the phone and transfer
contact information.

Watch how it works!

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Cutting Edge

Clear Card is a high tech business card that has made sharing your contact information as simple as a phone tap. This gives your potential client instant access to your contact information, which is saved directly to their phone and can be updated anytime. Clear Card is a major pioneer in the NFC One Tap and QR Code Business Card Industry. With hundreds of thousands of cards now sold, Clear Card is an industry leader and is literally changing the industry one card at a time. 

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Leading Business Strategy

Studies show that of the 10 billion cards printed each year, 8 billion will be tossed out within a week. Unfortunately, so many business cards see their lifecycle end in the trash within minutes of entering new hands. Customers and colleagues will remember you because of the innovation and simplicity involved. Clear Card gives you an online profile in which you can update your contact information in real-time, whenever you address, email, phone number, or social media changes.

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Eco Friendly and
Cost Effective

With 27 million business cards being printed daily, Clear Card is a green and eco-friendly solution to the problem of paper waste. Not only have many corporations transitioned to the Clear Card as their business card provider, many small businesses have made the switch as well. With the average cost of a set of business cards being approximately $194, Clear Card is also budget friendly for the entrepreneur of any size!

Do you want a customized design for your organization?

We can design your Clear Card to match your brand standard and guidelines
Only $125/yr per user (Minimum 10 cards)


“ This innovative, new way of connecting contact information sets us apart at Checkpoint ID.  Our customers and prospects love the ease and convenience of this card.”

—Terry Slattery, CEO Checkpoint ID